The day comes and calling in sick goes as expected. He is very angry and orders you to come in to work, knowing full well that you are not sick. You fake a cough, tell him "no," and hang up the phone.

You and the band make your way to the festival, enjoy the bands on before you, then take the stage. The first two songs go flawlessly and the crowd really seems to enjoy the performance.

The third song starts out well, but part way through you stumble on a loose cord and lurch to the side of the stage. At that exact moment, some pyrotechnics erupt right next to you, igniting your clothes, guitar, and hair. You scream in pain, flail, and fall off the stage. Before anyone can get to you with a fire extinguisher, the fumes from your own burning clothes and flesh asphyxiate you.

The adventure is over.

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