After the sun sets across the tarmac, a calm sleepiness overtakes you and, despite being a large chunk of money poorer, you feel pretty good about getting to your new home soon. Mostly, though, you just feel tired.
You spend the short flight slipping in and out of light sleep and arrive in Ulsan feeling groggy.
The airport is tiny and completely abandoned. Up until this very moment it hadn't occurred to you what to do once you were through with your flights. You had been under the assumption, naturally, that someone would be waiting for you upon your arrival, ready to whisk you off to your new lodgings, or at least to get some food and have a general introduction of sorts.
But, no. The airport is empty other than a group of flight attendants just getting off shift and talking on their cell phones.
Unsure what you are supposed to do, you:
sit down and wait for someone to come and get you.
dig through your backpack for the contact numbers you were given and ask one of the flight attendants if you can use her cell phone.
find a taxi that takes travelers cheques and make your way to a hotel for the night.