You wake up the next morning feeling refreshed, but very hungry. You quickly realize that it is, in fact, no longer morning, but 12:05 pm. Unable to figure out the heating controls, you take a cold shower and head downstairs.

The school's director and fellow teachers are all at the school and greet you enthusiastically. You tell them, in response to their inquiries, that you had a great sleep but are now quite hungry. The director immediately bundles you into her car and takes you to McDonald's. This is not exactly what you wanted for your first meal of the day, or second in Korea, but you are famished and dive right in.

Satisfied and full, you are taken back to the school. You chat a bit with everyone, then suggest that a trip to the grocery store would be a good idea.

All agree. The director offers you her cell phone so you can call her for a ride when you are done and a fellow teacher offers to come along to help out. You:

gratefully accept both offers and head out.

accept the offer of the other teacher, but decline the cell phone and ride as she has already helped you out enough for one day.

decide you'd rather try this out on your own, just to see if you can do it.